Urge your Senators to pass the Crown Act


Use the letter below to email your Senators.

Dear [recipient position will go here]
[recipient name will go here],

As your constituent, I am asking for your swift action to make the CROWN Act law nationwide. We need your help to change the laws to end the racial injustice of discrimination against people because of their hair.
The National Parents Union representing and advocating with nearly 18 million families across the nation strongly supports the the CROWN Act legislation to end hair discrimination. This legislation ensures that traits historically associated with race, such as hair texture and hairstyle, are protected from discrimination in the workplace and in K-12 public and charter schools.
The CROWN Act was first introduced in California in January 2019 by Senator Holly Mitchell (District 30) and signed into law by Governor Newsom on July 3, 2019. To date, 13 additional states have signed The CROWN Act or legislation inspired by the CROWN Act into law (New York, New Jersey, Virginia, Colorado, Washington, Maryland, Connecticut, Delaware, New Mexico, Nebraska, Nevada, Oregon, and Illinois). In addition, a total of 34 local municipalities combined have signed the CROWN Act to date.
The time is now to end hair discrimination in all 50 states. Take action to pass the CROWN Act nationwide.

[your name will go here]
[your email address will go here] [your location will go here]