Dallas News
Dallas News: How COVID-19 could force lawmakers to broaden K-12 school choice
Associated Press
AP: Another casualty of 2020: The magic of the snow day
The 74
The 74: Phantom Students, Very Real Red Ink: Why Efforts to Keep Student Disenrollment from Busting School Budgets Can Backfire
El Diario NY
El Diario: ¿Pueden y deben abrirlas escuelas?
NBC Nightly News
NBC Nightly News: Child Hunger Increases And More Massachusetts Families Relying On Food Banks
Education Week
Education Week: What Happened When Campbell’s Soup Tried to ‘Save the Snow Day’
WKZO: More parents turning to homeschooling instead of remote instruction
US News & World Report
U.S. News & World Report: CDC: Black, Latino Parents More Concerned About School Reopenings Than Whites
El Mundo
El Mundo: ¿Pueden Y Deben Abrirlas Escuelas?
La Opinion
La Opinion: La política educativa en el periodo pospandémico debe incluir las voces de todos los padres