Ethnic Media Services
Ethnic Media Services: “We need to reimagine education. It wasn’t working before, it’s not working now”: Bernita Bradley
Wall Street Journal
Wall Street Journal: Getting Teachers the Covid-19 Vaccine Is a Hurdle to Reopening Schools
Washington Examiner
Washington Examiner: Biden administration says schools will open ‘one day a week’ by president’s 100th day in office
NPR: Keep Schools Open All Summer, And Other Bold Ideas To Help Kids Catch Up 40% Of Parents Are Unsure They’ll Vaccinate Kids Against COVID
Scary Mommy
ScaryMommy: 40% Of Parents Don’t Know If They’ll Vaccinate Their Kids Against COVID
Huffington Post
Huffington Post: 40% Of Parents Don’t Know If They’ll Vaccinate Their Kids Against COVID-19. Now What?
Progreso Hispano News
Progreso Hispano News: 70 por ciento de los padres hispanos aseguraron que vacunarán a sus hijos
Noticias Ya
Noticias Ya ¿Se vacunará a la mayoría de los niños contra la COVID-19? Esto reveló una encuesta
La Familia de Broward
Familias de Broward: Nueva encuesta demuestra desconfianza en la vacuna entre los padres; el 40 por ciento no se comprometerá a vacunar a sus hijos