El Diario NY
El Diario: Padres Latinos en la Ciudad de Nueva York Tienen Dudas Sobre Vacunar a Niños Menores de 18 Contra el COVID-19
FiveThirtyEight: Polls On Reopening Schools Are All Over The Map
ABC News
ABC News: Divides in Parent Opinion Complicate School Reopening Push
The Wall Street Journal
The Wall Street Journal: School Reopening Pits Parents Against Teachers: “Is There a Word Beyond ‘Frustrating’?”
NBC News
NBC News: Parents React to New CDC Guidance on Reopening Schools
Real Clear Education
Real Clear Education: Listen to Parents About Education Priorities
The 74
The 74: Inside the New CDC Guidance on Reopening Classrooms: Masks and Social Distancing Key Safety Strategies, Vaccinations Not a Precondition for In-Person Learning
ONME: High-stake losses in education caused by COVID-19 pandemic proves to be detrimental
Education Week
Education Week: Fauci Says Young Kids Could Start Getting Vaccinated by September
NPR: Public School Teachers Weigh In On Vaccines, Masks And Returning To The Classroom