The Morning Sun
The Morning Sun: Mt. Pleasant School District Concludes Ganiard Haircut Investigation
The Root
The Root: Michigan School District Absolves Employee of Bias in Cutting Biracial Child’s Hair
Michigan Radio
Michigan Radio: Investigation Finds ‘No Evidence’ of Racial Bias in Jurnee Hoffmeyer Haircut, School District Says
ABC 12
ABC 12: National Parents Union Respond to School’s Decision Keeping Employees After Hair-cutting Incident
The State News
The State News: National Parents Union in support of the CROWN act, call to protect students from hair discrimination
Education Week
Education Week: How the Pandemic Helped Fuel the Private School Choice Movement
The 74
The 74: Past Is Prologue: 12 Big Challenges From Last School Year That Could Now Define the Fall of 2021 — From Learning Loss to Restoring Trust, Closing Achievement Gaps & More
Stateside: Flooding cleanup in Dearborn; Black families homeschooling; retired FBI agent’s new book
Education Week
Education Week: Vaccinating Kids Against COVID-19: Why Families Are Afraid and How Schools Can Help
Associated Press
AP: Why Some Families Who Chose to Home School Say They Won’t Go Back