By Ashara Baker, New York State Director, National Parents Union

Protecting New York's Students: A Call to Action for Lawmakers


Protecting New York’s Students: A Call to Action for Lawmakers

By Ashara Baker, New York State Director, National Parents Union

For more information on New York Student Achievement read our 2024 report here. 

In New York, we pride ourselves on being a state that values opportunity and equality. Yet, when it comes to our public education system, far too many students are being left behind and one in five kids in New York is living in poverty. The most recent student outcome data paint a grim picture:  According to 2023 New York State Education Department data, about 52% of 3rd through 8th grade students in New York public schools are proficient in math, and approximately 48% are proficient in reading. This is not just a crisis—it’s a failure of our state to fulfill its promise to every child.

Every student in New York deserves access to a high-quality public education. Yet, New York has one of the most unregulated, unaccountable education systems in the country. And we have one of the highest rates of child poverty in the nation. 

A Call for Legislative Action

Now more than ever before, it is necessary for states to make commitments to their citizens. Guaranteeing every New Yorker the ability to raise a families and get a high quality education that leads them to a life of opportunity should be a guarantee that this legislature should make to the Empire State. There are real and actionable steps that the NY State Legislature can take this year to protect and improve our public education system and support families contributing to our state by raising the next generation. 

Guaranteeing A High Quality Public Education for All 

The State of New York’s public education department has received historic and important investments in our students- Governor Hochul has made historic investments and the NY Board of Regents is finally realizing their role in ensuring students across the state have the highest quality experiences in their classrooms by ensuring they have well trained teachers, high quality materials and ongoing support. It is time for our state legislature to guarantee a high quality public education to every student in the state of New York. 

Supporting Families Through the Empire State Child Tax Credit

The challenges facing our schools are part of a larger crisis affecting families across the state. New York has one of the highest child poverty rates in the nation, and too many parents are struggling to provide basic necessities for their children. NPU NY was optimistic to see the Governor Hochul propose tripling the Empire Tax Credit in 2025, which would pull 1.6 million children out of poverty. 

Our Students and Families Deserve Better

New York has the resources, talent, and innovation to lead the nation in educational outcomes and child well-being. But without courageous leadership and an unwavering commitment to equity, we will continue to fall short. It is time to make real guarantees to the families across New York. 

Our students deserve better. Our families deserve better. It’s time to pass legislation that guarantees every child a high-quality public education and strengthens the Empire State Child Tax Credit to lift families out of poverty. Together, we can create a New York where every child has the opportunity to succeed.