Statement from National Parents Union President Keri Rodrigues on the Senate Tax Bill Vote: Republicans are Anti-Family and Anti-Business

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July 30, 2024, BOSTON, MA — The National Parents Union released a statement from NPU President Keri Rodrigues:

“Senate Republicans had a decision to make today: vote based on what’s best for American families or what they think is best for party politics. By choosing party politics, the GOP disqualified themselves as a pro-family, pro-business party.  No matter what they claim in campaign ads, Senate Republicans showed their true colors: they don’t care about American families, they care about power and will stop at nothing to try and get it even if it means forcing millions of families to continue to struggle.

The child tax credit expansion would ensure that children don’t go to bed hungry. Something so essential and is overwhelmingly popular among American parents with 84% of Republicans and 91% of Democrats supporting it. That’s why when swing state voters cast their ballot this November, they will remember exactly who turned their backs on American families.

For a party to claim to be pro-family and then take food off the kitchen table is spineless.

For a party to claim to be pro-business and then make it harder for small business owners and entrepreneurs to prosper during uncertain economic times is cowardly.

This is the legacy of Senate Republicans and we, millions of voting parents across the country, will ensure they pay this November.”



With nearly 1,500 affiliated parent organizations in all 50 states, Washington, D.C. and Puerto Rico, the National Parents Union is the united, independent voice of modern American families. We channel the power of parents into powerful policies that improve the lives of children, families and communities across the United States.