National Parents Union Statement on the Tax Relief for American Families and Workers Act


July 30, 2024, BOSTON, MA  — The National Parents Union released a statement ahead of  a U.S. Senate vote scheduled for Thursday, August 1st on the Tax Relief for American Families and Workers Act:

“The Tax Package would be real relief for hard working American families, communities, and small businesses across the country. Most importantly, this would be good for America’s children. Sixteen million children would receive the proposed child tax credit in this bill. The National Parents Union strongly urges members of both parties to do what’s right for America’s families. This tax package is pro-family and pro-economy.

We know living in a family with income below the poverty line as a child is associated with lower levels of educational attainment, poorer health in adulthood, and lower earnings throughout one’s lifetime. In addition, National Parents Union polling has found Child Tax Credit monthly checks made a difference for hard working families—of the 68% of parents who received an expanded Child Tax Credit, 86% of parents said it had an impact on their family’s financial situation and their bottom line.

At a time when political divisions are deep, passing this tax package can showcase a commitment to common-sense solutions that benefit all Americans. This tax package has tax cuts for small businesses for research and development- creating new jobs and bringing new energy to manufacturing communities.

In his acceptance speech in accepting the vice-presidential nomination, Senator JD Vance described the economic pain that families across the country feel:

“And at each step of the way, in small towns like mine in Ohio, or next door in Pennsylvania or Michigan, in other states across our country, jobs were sent overseas and our children were sent to war.”

A vote in favor of the tax package is a vote to empower the very families that Vance spoke about.

To our elected officials: if you truly stand for pro-family and pro-economy policies, this is your opportunity to prove it. This tax package promises to provide relief and opportunities for working families, stimulate job growth, and strengthen our economic foundation. It is a moment for bipartisan unity in advancing policies that uplift all Americans, especially those who need it most.

This tax package is a comprehensive, pro-family, and pro-economy measure that reflects America’s commitment to strong families, economic growth, and fiscal responsibility. It is an opportunity for Pro-Family lawmakers to champion a policy that not only aligns with their values but also has widespread support among constituents.

The time to act is now. A vote in favor of the package is a vote for a prosperous and secure future for American families and businesses. The National Parents Union, along with families across the nation, urges you to seize this moment and support this critical legislation.”


With nearly 1,500 affiliated parent organizations in all 50 states, Washington, D.C. and Puerto Rico, the National Parents Union is the united, independent voice of modern American families. We channel the power of parents into powerful policies that improve the lives of children, families and communities across the United States.