December 5, 2022 — Boston, MA – Keri Rodrigues, the president of the National Parents Union, released a statement following news the U.S. Education Dept is disbanding the National Parents and Families Engagement Council:
Congratulations on your … victory?
Today’s announcement of the disbanding of the National Parents and Families Engagement Council is yet another failure by both Democrats and Republicans to recognize the magnitude of the education crisis we are in and the fact that times have changed when it comes to expectations from parents and families.
Both parties claim to have the best interests of families and students, but in actuality neither have done anything tangible to prove it. Meanwhile, data on the local, state and federal level tells us that we are in the midst of an unprecedented math and literacy crisis, which threatens to cripple the American economy of the next generation – and our elected officials and policymakers continue down the same old tired path of political mudslinging. It would be downright laughable if it wasn’t so pathetic and happening at such a critical moment for our nation’s children.
Both sides claim to want the input of parents when it comes to education, but only on their terms or as pawns in their convoluted culture wars. While one side had the audacity to question my status as the mother of human children – the other side folded like a deck of cards in a moment that called for leadership on behalf of our country.
We were encouraged at the outset by this newfound interest in giving parents a seat at the table, but we have seen this story unfold time and again.
Rest assured, parents are more powerful than ever before. Any ‘parent advocacy’ organization that celebrates the defeat of true parent voice being represented at the national level should tell you all you need to know about their brand of advocacy.
Education justice advocates like the National Parents Union take seriously our role of protecting and defending the next generation – because our failure to act now will have dire consequences for our children, families and communities into the future. It’s our children’s lives at stake and there will be no retreating from our mission. That’s a warning and a promise.
The National Parents Union is a network of highly effective parent organizations and grassroots activists across the country that is united behind a set of common goals and principles to channel the power of parents. Our family advocates improve the quality of life for children across the United States and define the education conversation.